Posted May 18, 2023
Posted by Angelique Armstrong
Life moves fast and sometimes changes happen. Whether it’s divorce, family members moving out, or any other changes of occupancy. You might wonder about your safety/privacy after knowing they have access to your alarm system still, but no worries, Howland Alarm has you covered. We can immediately do the following if any big lifestyle change has happened in your life:
-change your passwords so that they no longer have access into the home-delete their total connect accounts
-change your call list so they will no longer be contacted if an alarm goes off
-if you have your alarm automatically setting and disarming on a timer, we can change that so that they will no longer be able to tell when it is armed and unarmed.
Contact us any time if you find yourself in a situation where you need to make changes on your account.
Your safety is our top priority! 330-369-2956